WIN-WIN Partnerships
Boutique business, decades of experience
Fleetistics offers a familiar and friendly partner relationship. With many long-term employees, we know what it takes to help fleets succeed while offering a personal business relationship. You can call the national call center, but we recommend calling our office and speaking with people you get to know.
We do not always get it right, but we will work quickly to resolve issues and keep your tracking.
When customers succeed, Fleetistics succeeds.
- Support
- Training
- Implementation
At 1:45 PM on Tuesday, one of our crews frantically called me stating that their truck had been stolen. I logged into the GPS website and was able to view over the internet the truck travelling in real time. I called 911 and they called the local police department. When the truck pulled over at a residence to unload the equipment, I was able to pinpoint exactly where the truck was and the police were on the scene within 5 minutes. The thieves were apprehended and all of our equipment and truck was recovered unharmed! This occurred at about 2:00 PM, 15 minutes later. The police were impressed at how accurate the system was because I was able to give the exact address when the truck had been taken and they were on the scene immediately. Thank you!
I have been very satisfied with your company’s product and service. The real-time reporting we get has been very helpful in tracking our trucks, giving us the ability to know exactly where our trucks are in real time. I feel like I can truthfully say any costs with the program are more than recovered in the efficiencies we get by using your tracking software. I would have no problem (in fact I already have on several occasions) recommending your product to anyone.
We had some issues with our truck being a bit older, we had to get a professional to install our tracker, but Brandon (our account consultant) has been there every step of the way. From setting up an appointment for an installer to come out, to checking in less than a week later to make sure everything is up to par. We as a small business appreciate the great customer service and the help that is always available. We are forever customers of FLEETISTICS and give kudos to our account consultant for someone we can always count on to answer any questions or concerns we have. We have already seen one of our drivers go from 20-40 hours of overtime each paycheck to only 5 this last paycheck. We are not only saving money but we are saving time which means more business! Its a no brainer when it comes to FLEETISTICS and we couldn’t be more happy! Thanks again guys!
Before GPS, our route drivers were skipping accounts, spending time at convenience stores, turning back special need orders because they said they were ‘out of the area’, etc. We were at the mercy of our drivers. With GPS, that all stopped. It is amazing how much more efficient you can be when you simply visit your accounts as promised, spend time on the road delivering/selling product rather than 1 hour lunches at employee homes, and having the ability to call a driver you KNOW is only one mile or so from a customer in need. I highly recommend Fleetistics.
I just wanted to let you know the GPS unit is working great, I woke up at 2 am checked on my workers and went back to bed, life is great! By the way I have my other (competitor unit) GPS working and yours is far better.
Thanks a lot for getting together on the phone today to troubleshoot our GPS units. It looks like we had success without even knowing it. We appreciate your time and will continue to invest in this system and advertise its merits to our colleagues! I look forward to working with you again in the future.
This is awesome. I only wish I did this long ago. I am saving money daily and I don’t have the stress of not knowing were my employees have been. There has been a noticeable change. My employees are already trying to “beat the system”. This tells me they have been wasting time for a very long time. They are trying to take personal cars with them to the job site and then take lunch using the personal car so I can not tell how long of a lunch break they are taking. I quickly put an end to that. I use this system as a time clock. It’s awesome.
The first 3 days we used the system I found my vehicle being driven on the weekend all over town. On Friday my technician left the office and went directly to some apartment complex where he stayed all day. At $26 an hour this would have cost me $234.00 for this one instance! I suspect I’ve over paid him several thousand dollars.
I have only had all six units installed for two days now and I have the guys confessing their sins before I even get to run the reports at the end of the day. Just the guys knowing the system is installed makes a big difference.
I was able to negotiate an 8% discount on our insurance premium. This will pay for several vehicle units the first year and then some of our monthly airtime fees each year thereafter.
I had a truck break down and since it was under warranty I called the dealer. They sent out a tow truck to retrieve it and it got lost. The dealer said they never got it and the towing company denied ever towing it. Fortunately I was able to locate it on the GPS and I drove down to the dealership and pointed out it was across the street on one of their lots.
We love it. It is just as advertised.
… The clients are impressed which is wonderful. They can call me and I can tell them exactly where their horses and ETA’s are located. This gives them peace of mind and they are telling all of their friends about us! Increased business is going to pay for the system many times over … the guys that were having difficulties staying on route are making a huge effort to stay ON ROUTE now and will call me more readily for clarification on routing rather than just driving … I am very pleased! I will tell anyone and everyone that will listen to me about you guys!
We love it! It has stopped running (personal use) over the weekends. Speeds are down from 90 MPH to 70 MPH. When a customer calls I can jump on-line and tell them where the technician is and about when he/she will arrive.
With my vehicles being in San Antonio Texas, I am now able to see what they are doing all day. In thirty days I have identified enough time card padding to pay for the system. One employee was charging me to drive my vehicle to and from work. This alone was costing me $528 per month! I have also learned that people are going home for two hour lunches and spending too much time at customer locations. What once took all day is now only taking six hours.
We’ve found that we don’t have a lot of issues with our employees but we have been able to tighten up a few things. From the other end (of the spectrum) it is a valuable tool to show our customers how long the trucks have been sitting on their site waiting for them (to show up).
I’ve just used this system one day and I’m so impressed. I wish I could sell it for you to everyone that needs tracking systems for their companies. I will tell everyone I think can use it. I have one company in mind already – if he agrees I’ll forward his name to you. The installation was a breeze – in and out in a flash. Thanks so much.
At this point the biggest impact it has had is just being in the trucks. Most of our crews know this and are not making the extra stops or going places that they are not supposed to be going like they have in the past. I say most of the crews because we have had a few that are still trying to get away with those extras, but we now know where they are going and how long they are there. In fact we let one employee go because she would go to her sisters house for at least four hours each day! She was aware of the tracker in her truck so she would park her van at the customers location and walk to her sisters house. These are the kind of employees you don’t want to have. The tracker has in a sense weeded out the wrong employees.
The best results have been that we thought we might have needed to hire and additional full time driver. We had three and were thinking maybe we needed a fourth. Since the installation we have found that we are getting along nicely with 1 full time and two part time drivers. So the units paid for themselves immediately. The maps are nice and the accuracy is very good
Having completed the setup I’m extremely happy with the performance of the system.
We’ve used other GPS systems on a smaller scale, and our new system is significantly outperforming the old system.
The software is working great. I’ve integrated the GPS data into our sales and delivery data through MS Excel spreadsheets. This allows complex analysis of driver performance. I now know what I can expect as far as cases delivered per stop, per hour of stop time, how long lunch breaks are, etc. I can do objective driver evaluations. I’ll be adding delivery standards to our union contracts when I start the next negotiations. Similarly I can now evaluate my sales force to see how much time they’re spending on the job and in accounts. I can also evaluate the fuel efficiency of all my vehicles. The GPS data is a great help in determining savings by rerouting or changing call frequencies.
Obviously it’s more important than ever to know what it’s costing us to get the product out and how we can do it more efficiently. Thanks for providing a great product.
I really needed the new units by tomorrow and I called Michelle yesterday. I was a little hesitant on the outcome of the situation. Michelle really came through for me when I needed her, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that. I am sure she did not act alone; but however it got done, it is exactly what we needed.
What a difference the Marcus V6 system has made in the everyday operations of our company. As you know, we have been using this system for a while now and have found many more uses for the information that it can provide than we ever would of dreamed.
It is a very useful tool that helps to:
- keep the employees time cards honest
- keep track of the where abouts of my fleet
- track the labor cost on jobs
- find the nearest service tech. to route to a service a call
- keep track of maintenance records
- insure that my employees are where they are supposed to be
I could go on, but to sum it up we are very satisfied with this system and feel that it is worth every penny. Thank you.
In looking at different GPS systems, it became obvious it was not going to be an easy selection. After looking for several months at the different companies and their products we came up with 3 Companies and tried demonstration units from each.
Fleetistics had the most adaptable product, with the ability to upgrade. We did not want a Live unit because we didn’t need to know were the vehicles were all the time. And the monthly cost for 28 units was more than we wanted to pay each month.
We settled for the Go RF Unit because it was passive but could be upgraded to a Go live unit if we needed to. The other area that I am impressed with is the service. It took a couple of phone calls to get the system up and running and then I get a new computer that runs on the Vista operating system. It took 3 days to get everything going again and the crew at GPSFleet Solutions has been helpful and cordial.
Two thumbs up for this product. It does just what we wanted.
I just wanted to drop you a note concerning the GPS system now that it is on the entire fleet. Last year we implemented an entire new software package which included handhelds for the vending drivers. These handhelds plug into the vending machines and retrieve “DEX” data (all the activity of the machine, currency, coin, spiral turns, etc.). This allowed us to better account for our money when the drivers came back each day. Well, after all the routes were rolled out we were seeing some serious shortages. The problem was, however, the vending driver was not the only employee with keys to the machines. The supervisors and service techs also required keys for every route. So it was impossible for us to pinpoint who was stealing the money. That’s when I began looking for a GPS system.
Three weeks ago we found the thief. It was a vending supervisor who had been with us for 10 years. We were finding him going to accounts with no reason. He was also 2 hours ahead (stealing the money) of the employee servicing the bill changers. The interesting aspect with the bill changers is that those keys are issued by our vault. No one has a key to those machines. He had somehow obtained one of these keys and was robbing the bill changers as well, making it look like it was the regular service man. We caught him with undeniable proof (he coughed up the stolen keys) with the aid of the GPS system and turned it into the police. Anyway, we are very pleased with the system and it is part of the office’s daily routine to pull reports and cross-reference these with other reports.
Oh, and the shortages have magically disappeared. Thanks.
The GO system has worked very well for us and saves us money every month that we once paid in communications costs and monthly tracking subscription fees. It has been an excellent investment for us. My friend that operates the dishwasher service company called Labtek told me it is the “best investment he has ever made”. He was able to let go of one of his four service people once he discovered what was really happening on the street. He found that his people could do much more than they were and now has the piece of mind of knowing they cannot loaf anymore. I am truly pleased with our system and do not have any complaints.
I found one of my technicians was doing side jobs in the first month of using the system using my materials. The system has paid for itself in the first 30 days!
Well, it seems that “big brother” is doing a great job of keeping an eye on our employees. We feel the units have already paid for themselves.
We received our money back before the units were even installed! We had five electricians resign when we introduced the system to them. We were suspicious of their activity and they were one of reasons we went with a vehicle tracking system. We saved $10,000 in overtime the first month!
A semi-funny story is that they (management) discovered that one of the security guys got paid $60.00 to have dinner with his girlfriend, that is, he was on the clock at $20.00/hour! The officers who were already aware of other indiscretions are pleased to have the units installed!
With only six vehicles using the system, we were able to eliminate all overtime in the first two weeks. This is saving my department about $7,600 per month or $91,200 per year on a one-time investment of under $5,000. (paraphrased)
I don’t understand how any company is doing without, especially if the vehicles go home at night with the employee. We’re seeing about a 20% reduction in fuel on a monthly basis. I can honestly say it has been a god send. It documents their billing time and location (with-in a reasonable distance). I have used it to verify gas charges in vehicles. It has kept the servicemen honest as can be expected. I did not believe I had any problems but found out there was abuse even when the individual knew it was being monitored E-mail alerts document speeding violations. It took a lot of worry off my back about the vehicle abuse and allowed me more time to concentrate on business rather than some employees abuse.
It cuts down on the time the guys are spending on the job site. Before they were hanging out for 15-20 minutes before getting started. ($24/hr x 5 days/wk = $8 x 5 days = $40 weekly or $160 monthly)
We’ve only been using it a month and it has certainly started to show some improvement. The driver gets back a lot earlier. I’d guess we’re saving about four hours per week right now ($60 weekly or $240 monthly). I’ve been impressed with how well it has worked and how easy it’s been to use it.
Our real benefit has been being able to show customers how long we are at their location and what our response time was. It is a great selling tool. With increased response time we have also seen an increase in productivity.
We have seen a 20% increase in productivity in just 45 days!
My company is going to save $40,000 annually in wages by putting this system on the vehicle and it was only a $1,000, one-time investment. I had entire painting crews wasting time and hanging out.
Matched my company needs exactly
The sales staff was great. Guided me to the best product for the best price. All products arrived quickly and install was a breeze. I have been up and running for 4 weeks now and find the product interface easy to use. Training modules are a plus. Would definitely recommend Fleetistics.
Great experience with Fleetistics
The entire process from the introduction to the implementation to the training has been exceptional. The system has been easy to navigate and you all have provided excellent customer service with responses to my questions answered within an hour of me sending my email. Thanks to the entire team for being a pleasure to work with.
16 years and going strong
A solution provider, not just a vendor
Fleetistics provided me with a total solution, not just gps units and software. They listened to my specific business needs and tailored a complete management solution. All other companies I spoke with tried to shoehorn my requirements into their canned solution. The team at Fleetistics not only asked questions about my business, they also listened to the issues I was experiencing and trying to solve with a gps management system. Fleetistics is truly a solutions provider, not just a vendor selling equipment and software.
Fleetistics Integration – Great Experience!
Great experience and custom integration with GPS data really helped us integrate with other systems. Highly recommended.
Fleetistics has been a pleasure to work with.
Prorate Services has been a customer of Fleetistics for 8 months. The service has been courteous and prompt. One of the very best parts of working with Fleetistics is Brandon Santiago. He has returned my calls quickly, even when he was on his vacation. I can always count on a quick solution to any problem we may have when I call Brandon. I would recommend Brandon & Fleetistics to anyone. Kristi Brunes, Prorate Services, LLC, Stratford, SD.
A premier fleet management company.
If you have a need to manage your large or small fleet with ease, stop looking. You have found everything you will ever need in one dynamic company. Our small pest control business started using Fleetistics in 2010 and have been more than satisfied with every aspect of their service. As we grew, they grew. As technology got better, they got better. The only thing that never changed was the customer service. I can get my account manager Brandon Santiago on the phone any time I need him, and he always responds quickly to emails and special requests. I highly recommend you do business with this company. You will never regret it!
Great Products/Great Service
This is a great company that offers great hardware, and telematics systems, but most importantly is backed by a great team of individuals always ready to offer the highest level of service.
Big thanks to Brandon Santiago in Sales, to Marya Sullivan in the training department, and the technical support department for always going above and beyond to meet our demands or solve any issues that come up.
Trustworthy, excellent customer service
I have been very pleased with the professionalism of this company from the beginning interaction with the sales department to the customer service, training and technical support after the devices had been installed. As a small business owner, I had questions and concerns related to long term commitment and contracts. I received straight forward honest answers.
Lynn Rios
We have been very happy with our account manager Lynn Rios. Once we made the decision to use Fleetistics we were about to start our farming seasons and had very little time to get a large percentage of our fleet installed. Lynn had to adapt to multiple problems/issues that came up and she got us though them all in time. We are happy with the product and Lynn has been great. Her quick responses and professionalism are very appreciated. She has coordinated everything about or transition perfectly. We are very grateful for Lynn’s help.
Customer Service & Functionality
Fleetistics’ product is very functional and provides everything that we were looking for. We had originally, surveyed and reviewed 5 different platforms and decided Fleetistics was our best fit. However, the best part of our new Telematics solution is the customer service that Fleetistics provides. They have been available whether via phone or email. There responses have been patient and thorough, guiding me towards full understanding so that I may fully utilize the service. I am happier than ever with our selection and growing partnership.
Features, Service, and Quality — Fleetistics has all three!
Our team is working on a project to equip three separate fleets with telematic tracking capabilities to monitor safe driving behaviors. In deciding to choose which vendor to go with, we vetted 10 companies, shortlisted 3 and ended up pilot testing 2–one of which being Fleetistics. Our experience with Fleetistics has been spectacular. The telematic devices work seamlessly, the user interface is easy to use and intuitive and just about everything is customizable. And the other thing that puts Fleetistics in a league of their own is their customer service and support. Our account manager, Lynn Rios (who has been our contact since day 1), has gone out of her way to make sure we got all the information we needed as fast as possible to make the right decisions for our project. We had a technical problem arise in our implementation and she and the team found an extremely elegant solution within days of requesting it. Someone please give Lynn a raise! Also, their training materials and trainer (Marya Sullivan) are easy to access and have been helpful in getting our teams up and running.
I can’t speak highly enough of the level of service and product quality the company provides. Our experience with Fleetistics has not been a purely commercial relationship where “we” buy something “they” sell–they’ve become an indispensable partner and resource in our project. I would not hesitate to recommend their services to anyone.
Quick and Efficient
The rep I have been working (Amy) with has been extremely easy to work with and very attentive and flexible with the needs of my company. Correspondence has been quick and efficient and thus far I have had no issues..
Good company for easy GPS fleet tracking
We use Fleetistics to track the vehicles in our fleet. The units are very easy to install and the pricing is reasonable for the peace of mind that you get knowing about what is going on with the vehicles in the field. Everyone at Fleetistics has been really good to work with.
Hopefully, they will build a mobile app for tracking the fleet from my phone soon.
Fleetistics is a great product with GREAT service!
We changed GPS providers last year and selected Fleetistics as our vendor of choice and it was the right decision! The product is very sophisticated and the service is superior. Lynn Rios was/is a real help in working with us through the sales cycle and follows up periodically to confirm our satisfaction while Darryl Arnold is a real “Master” at training. Couple this with competitive pricing and they can’t be beat!!
Reply from Fleetistics – Fleet Management Consultants
Published Tuesday, April 14, 2015
You’ll be excited to know that we actually do have a version of our software that works on mobile devices. When you get a chance, contact your account manager or Fleetistics support and we’ll help you set it up! Thanks for your review, and we hope to hear from you soon!
Great Customer Service
Thanks Brandon! I have to say that it was not just your product and the pricing model but you and your sales method that played a large part in my decision to go with fleetistics. It means a lot to have a partner in business instead of merely a vendor.
Easy to do business with
Fleetistics has a very knowledgeable and friendly staff, they make working with them fun and easy. The online system is easy to use. I would recommend them over and over
Excellent Customer Service
Lynn took her time to help me navigate through the website and taught me how to use some powerful tools.
I rarely have the opportunity to deal with such a professional and courteous group of people such as yourselves. You have been MORE than accommodating and extremely pleasant throughout the whole process.
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